Contacting a college coach via email regardless of which sport you play, is pretty much every student-athletes “go-to” for their first point of contact. Mainly because there is a certain “guarantee” that the coach your emailing will open your email since this is presumed to be built into their job role as a coach. However, in reality, it’s not as easy as it sounds. College coaches are literally bombarded with emails every day. This means you have to figure out a creative way to catch their attention!
In this article we are going to give you some guidance on how to structure your email in the best way. First impressions matter, we intend to give you some pointers that will boost your chances at getting the coaches attention.
TIP: Before you send your first email, make sure the email you are sending from is something that is professional and appropriate. For example: is simple, informative and will help you give a good first impression.